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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Please explain...

How anyone could believe that the "rights" granted to foreigners by the constitution of the United States of America should come before the lives of Americans. !!!

Someone over at the Daily Kos would rather Americans die so that foreigners could reap the benefits of the US Constitution.

"Here's the reality. Even if it was sure to be lost in a terrorist attack today, my life is not worth the Constitution. The life of my child, is not worth the Constitution. The life of hundreds -- thousands -- is not worth setting aside the rights ensured to us by the Constitution. Because setting aside the Constitution is a defeat greater than any that can be delivered to us by any instrument of terror or war."
This is in reference to Chris Dodd's statement that National Security comes before human rights
. This blogger doesn't agree. The blogger is referring to Bush's "illegal" war.

Except, the US Constitution serves to protect the American people...

The blogger furthers this outlandish post by stating:

We no longer read [National Security] as the end of the nation itself, but as encompassing any threat -- any possible threat -- to any one of that nations' three hundred million residents. That's not "national security," that's national fear. We're not facing the possible end of the nation in rebellion and riot, we're not even facing about the certain knowledge of impending attack. We're talking about setting aside the rights enshrined in the Constitution against only the possibility of attack. If you search your dictionary, I believe you will find that to be the very definition of cowardice, and no one willing to make that trade deserves to utter the oath listed above."

In the time of war (which was arguably declared on the US by the 9/11 attacks), national security is NOT something to be taken lightly. Instead of praising the President for his dedication to protecting this nation and its people from another 9/11 (which he most likely has in the past few years), this person has the nerve to call President Bush a coward.

All of you who agree with this or believe that the Democrats will win the White House in 2008 because of this take on national security, I ask you why you think the majority of Americans would rather die than have the President protect the nation? With the issue of illegal immigration such a hot topic and people being sick and tired of sanctuary cities and illegals receiving benefits that should be saved for AMERICANS, why on earth would something like this ever, EVER go over with the American people?

And I noticed that no one answered my previous question: What has President Bush done to those of you who dislike him so much?

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